Serving faith & cornbread

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

I believe 2015 will be a year of answered prayers and BIG dreams fulfilled in my life and business.  By faith, I feel and see it’s already done.  I’m expecting and making preparations.  What’s your FAITH declaration for the New Year?  Speak it.  Believe it. Expect it.  Prepare for it.  Happy New Year!


Thanks for your continued interest in my journey to success with grandma’s secret cornbread recipe that started June 10, 2010. Delighted to say I am working daily on my dream, which includes resolving challenges. Persistence wears down resistance. Winners never quit, we simply persist. In an effort to remain organized and efficient, I regularly post inspirational thoughts and business updates on the blog page of my website, You’re invited to visit. Oh yeah, the redesigned website will replace the existing one in a few days. Thanks again for your interest. Remember a strategy, strong work ethic, faith, and persistence makes dreams come true!